Sunday, 12 May 2013


Fertilized oocytes:
If any of you is interested on zebrafish or xenopus laevis fertilized eggs, these are available at regular intervals over the year. Every week or two the frog unit performs in-vitro fertilization of Xenopus laevis eggs to obtain embryos. The male donors are killed to obtain their testis, which means that other organs are available to other users. If you have a scientific/educational use for these tissues, you can contact us at and we will put you in contact with the relevant researcher.
Please note that you could not let unmodified eggs to hatch, unless your unit has a breeding authorization. Equally you could not use modified/altered fertilized eggs beyond their independent feeding larval stages unless it is done under a project authorization.

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Dear all,

Welcome to the AWB of NUI Galway Blog. This Blog is created as a communication tool for the purpose of advising staff and users on lab animal welfare in all aspects of their use whether it is for production or for scientific purposes. These aspects will range from acquisition, to accommodation, care and use. Consider that the advice should not come unilaterally but from all users. Users, who through their own experience as animal researchers have found useful resources, references, tips, links are strongly encouraged to share those gems of information with others by sending them to They will be posted regularly to make them available to other NUI Galway users.
Additionally a google calendar has been created to facilitate the sharing of organs and tissues of all animals killed in NUI Galway establishment. Using and sharing this calendar is a requisite for the use of approved methods of killing animals in NUI Galway and will make us compliant with current legislation. You will be invited to share that calendar shortly.

When you want to confidentially report or communicate an issue to the AWB; you can do it by using an anonymous e-mail address of your own and sending it to either or The issue will be objectively and confidentially investigated and a course of action will arise from it.