THE HPRA will close on the 23rd of December until the 3rd of January 2023, which coincides with the UG closing times.
Unfortunately the fees have gone up and individual authorisation applications and maintenance are now 315.00€
National Committee 3Rs Training Day: audios are available at the HPRA You tube channel
It is now the time to think about statistical Returns, and the HPRA urges all to read the instructions and guidelines provided as we are making the same mistakes year-on-year🙏. A few common errors are included in this update. Let's make our New Years Resolution to get zero comments on our submissions👍👍..... I believe that the same applies to the project applications.....and within the same research groups 😳😩.
I for one welcome the simplified Individual authorisation format. Hopefully it will reduce avoidable non compliances, as there are no sub-categories people think that they are approved to do ...but they are not. No more subcategories ....One additional plus to this change is that it will also apply to existing ones 🎉🎊
For those interested in cardiovascular diseases EVCAM has a new database with approved alternatives💔
Remember use both sexes in your projects: 👩👨...and your keep up your expected 8 CPD hours/ year
...this and more is included in your newest regulatory update!!!